Charles G. Matthews
Thank you for visiting the resume portion of my web site. Within this secure environment, you can find out almost anything about me. There is a short 5 minute introduction video about my story below. Also the links above will take you to other pages that will provide my resume, audio samples of some of my own recorded music, a live worship sample at my current church, a list of my worship experience, and a list of 25 random facts about me to peak a little more into my life. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email or phone, and I will be glad to accommodate. My God bless you and your church as you search for the person God has called to your ministry.
PS - I can provide a downloadable version of this video if you would like to show to your church congregation or search committee. Thanks!
PS - I can provide a downloadable version of this video if you would like to show to your church congregation or search committee. Thanks!